Acne middle of chest

« ... The paste of turmeric powder and sandalwood powder is quite effective for removing Acne spots....
...All in all the Accutane treatment is highly recommended as the best acne dermatology treatment regardless of its questionable history. One can conclude that there exists more positive results using this treatment. However you should be diligent in seeking further proof about the this treatment to make an informed decision....»
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«...Isotretinoin is considered the most effective drug for acne. It is a type of Vitamin a and is taken orally. Isotretinoin can treat severe acne effectively. The problem is that Isotretinoin also has many side effects. The major concern is pregnancy. it has to be strictly avoided during or before pregnancy. It may cause birth defects in the new born. There are other side effects of Isotretinoin such as -...»
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tags: can doing drugs or drinking alcohol cause bad acne, how long before retin-a starts to clear up acne, castile soap for acne